Thursday, April 2, 2009

Championship and April Fool's Day Poll Results

Well...It's been a busy couple of days everyone. Not only did the Championship poll come to its exciting close but so did the April Fool's Day Poll. The votes have been tallied and here are the results. Drum roll please...

After a Record Shattering 1495 votes the Ultimate Anime Feet Champion is...Sakura Haruno.

Yup! In a complete domination of this poll, the Hot Medical Ninja managed to completely control this poll from beginning to end earning more votes than any other paticipant ever and proving that she is the girl most people want to be a foot servant to with 486 votes. Congratulations Sakura. Slipping into second place just in the nick of time was Misty with 257 votes and the Sexy Firebender managed to claim third. You definitely don't have to feel bad for the other girls, they all proved to have willing foot servants of their own and nobody scored less than 40 votes. ^_^

With the April Fool's Day Star Trek poll...Well first let me ask, I know I left several hints that I wasn't being serious but did I fool anyone? :-D Anyway, here's the breakdown of the 108 votes this poll recieved.

Hee hee. 25/108 (roughly a 4 to 1 ratio) There are more Star Trek fans out there than I thought. I added a couple of joke options to hint that I was just playing around. It seems the most popular was "Star Trek?!! Are you Serious." with 60 votes. ^_^ I guess I'm glad that only a few of my visitors think that Feet are Gross. :-D Breaking down the votes for the girls themselves, it looks like Seven of Nine came out on top with poetically 7 votes. I was pretty sure she would win because she's popular even with none Star Trek fans. Hoshi took second place (not a huge suprise because she's pretty hot) and T'Pol and Dax (both hotties as well) tied for 3rd. I feel bad for poor Dr. Crusher who was just not feeling any love this time around. Don't worry Doctor, I'll still worship your feet if you'd let me.

Ok...I just want give a massive thank you to everyone who voted in these two polls especially for putting up with my wacky sense of humor in the latter one. I really hope everyone enjoyed these as much as I had fun posting them. I also keep all your opinions in mind in my future writing and bonuses.

Ok...So what happens now? Well first off despite the fact that Ino will almost certainly kill me for this, Sakura has earned herself a well deserved Champion tribute. I probably post that tommorow. I need to rest up a little after all this April Fool's Day back to back blogging. I'll also post a real Poll of the Month later tonight.

Anyway, Great Voting Everyone!!

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